How to Have a Metaphorical Funeral or How to Let Go of Toxic People

Unfortunately, life does not always give us closure. It’s not always easy removing toxic people from your life, especially if it’s a family member.

I’ve found it helpful to create a “metaphorical funeral” as a way of saying goodbye.

The metaphorical funeral is symbolic of severing ties with someone who is toxic to your well-being.

Find a box, and decorate it. You could use a shoe box, or purchase a fancy one from the craft store. Be as creative as you want.  What should you include inside the box? Include any pictures you have of this person. Write about the good times you had with this person. If you can’t think of any, try writing about what you like about this individual. Write stories, or poems about how this person hurt you. You may also consider tossing any gifts you’ve acquired from this individual into the box.

Once you have loaded up the box, tape it up. Find a place in the yard to bury it. You could also just throw it in the trash. Make sure you wrap it up with a bag, or hide it within the trash bin. You don’t need nosy people glimpsing into your personal life.


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